2024 Residential Property Tax Estimator

To estimate property taxes, please look up your property's assessed value from the BC Assessment website.
Please note that this tool only provide an estimate. You can access the actual tax information after May by using your myWhiteRock account.

Estimate Details

Please note :

  1. Estimate does not include Terry Road Local Service Area fees
  2. Drainage charges will vary by property size and zoning

City of White Rock property taxes and user fees Your Property EstimateCity Average Property Estimate
    General municipal tax  
    Drainage utility user fee (average for your property type, actual charges will vary)
    Solid waste user fee
    Sanitary sewer utility user fee - residential
    Sanitary sewer utility user fee - secondary suite
    Secondary suite service fee
    Total City of White Rock property taxes and user fees (1)
Fees collected on behalf of other agencies:
    School tax (Province of BC)
    Additional School Tax (Province of BC)
    Fraser Vallley Reginonal Library
    Metro Vancouver Regional District:
    BC Assessment
    Municipal Finance Authority
    Total fees collected on behalf of other agencies (2)
Total Taxes and User Fees (1 + 2)
Less: Home Owner Grant

Total Estimated taxes and user fees